April Fool's day 2019: jokes, pranks, images, whatsapp and Facebook messages.

1st April is April Fools Day (April Fools Day) is celebrated in the world with great fun. On this day people make another idiot Play the pranks (April Fools Day Pranks). Be friends or family, have fun with each other. Planning begins with people to play pranks on homes and social sites several days before. This fun begins with April Fool's Messages from April Fool's Day. So do not waste time waiting for the ist April, but celebrate Happy April Fools Day with the messages here.

When you go to the mirror,then the mirror says, Beautiful Beautiful, when you go away from the mirror then the mirror says

April Fool April Fool.

In this way we want you to see that the world gets burnt , so we make all of us boob but you become a little faster

Understand Reality or Afzana Your Understanding or Passing It Your Problems You May Have Probably
It Was Forced To Tell You. That April is Coming To Be Prepared Make You Owl

Days chest pain in heart believe in pain 'm guessing dream care picture dream in picture so scary dream oh my god

A wind blazer came as if you came to
someone at the door, it seemed as if you had come, now you tell me, are you less than a ghost?

Eighty V Kita love a broken cord of
Odi recalls Witch Heart desperate Kita C terrified one day express Kita C o coralline Kehndi Veera Kita l te joke C.
Hey April Fool

I know of one thing you have to call free and call it ok
Forward all, see how many people become 'FOOL'
Kinna Sona Tanu Rab made Kina Sona Tanu Rab made

| created 'April Fool‘
Gulab flower is blooming in the garden lotus flower is floating in the pond. Mogra's flower is flowing in the Chaman.
The flower of April is reading our 'SMS‘ in Advance

What do you appreciate? You are cool like 'ICE’. Love is your biggest mistake, do not be angry now, because today is April flower